Exploring the Wonders of Aquamarine: A Gem with a Sea of Meaning

Aquamarine Stone_ Spiritual Meaning


Aquamarine, with its captivating bright blue allure, has been cherished for its exquisite beauty for countless centuries. Beyond its dazzling appearance, this enchanting gemstone offers a multitude of benefits and uses. It has been regarded as a healing stone, a purifier of water, and a protector of sailors. In this article, we delve into the world of aquamarine, uncovering its rich history, significance, and diverse applications.

The Sea’s Gift: Aquamarine’s Meaning and Symbolism

Aquamarine draws its name and essence from the sea, and this connection to the ocean deeply influences its meaning. The gem embodies the many facets of the sea, reflecting both exhilaration and soothing calm. It encourages the release of negative emotions, purging impure thoughts and breaking down emotional barriers. Aquamarine inspires trust and truth, making it a stone of unwavering honesty.

The stone’s transparent blue properties, akin to the reflection of the sky on the sea’s surface, enable it to uncover hidden meanings and truths. Aquamarine facilitates introspection, allowing individuals to confront themselves or others directly, peering deep into their souls. These qualities are central to aquamarine’s profound meaning.

Another significant aspect of aquamarine’s meaning is its ability to alleviate the fear of public speaking. It is a valuable gemstone for teachers and public speakers, as it promotes reflective relaxation, clarity of thought, and improved communication. Anger and fear dissipate, replaced by serenity and coherent expression, aligning with the stone’s meaningful attributes.

Aquamarine also enhances one’s altruistic qualities and the desire to assist and heal others. It encourages a responsible, compassionate, and kind demeanor, aligning perfectly with its meaning. For those prone to judgment, it fosters tolerance, while for those overwhelmed by tasks and responsibilities, it aids in time management and organization.

How to Cleanse & Activate Aquamarine

Aquamarine’s healing properties extend to emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. Its soothing and calming effects help unearth and address deep-seated emotional traumas, allowing individuals to let go of past burdens. The gem’s cleansing properties facilitate emotional healing, even in cases where one has played the role of a martyr for too long.

The damaging effects of a wounded ego, which can lead to abusive relationships and toxic friendships, are mitigated by aquamarine’s ability to reveal one’s true nature. By recognizing negative behavioral patterns, emotional growth can begin. The stone also aids in resolving disagreements with compassion and rationality, further contributing to emotional healing.

Children, especially those who have experienced trauma leading to emotional barriers and aggressive behavior, can benefit from aquamarine’s healing properties. Parents can use aquamarine to help heal their children’s emotional scars, subsequently reducing anxiety and panic attacks stemming from guilt and inadequacy.

To effectively address emotional issues, consider carrying an aquamarine worry stone and holding it during stressful moments. Aquamarine jewelry, such as earrings and necklaces, is also beneficial, as it is recommended to keep the gemstones close to the head and neck for optimal results in emotional healing.

Physical Healing with Aquamarine

Aquamarine’s physical healing properties are closely related to the concept of breathing. Often referred to as the “breath stone,” it is believed to alleviate sinus, lung, and respiratory issues. It can provide relief for conditions such as bronchitis, colds, hay fever, and various allergies. The gemstone is also associated with improving skin conditions, including rosacea, psoriasis, hives, and eczema. It can alleviate or prevent herpes outbreaks and provide assistance with shingles when used alongside regular medical treatment. Aquamarine’s “cooling stone” properties offer soothing relief for laryngitis and sore throats.

Additionally, the gemstone is thought to contribute to better oral health by promoting gum and tooth health. It encourages optimal growth and hormone production from the pituitary and thyroid glands. To address physical issues effectively, consider wearing aquamarine jewelry near the affected area of your body or placing gently cooled gemstones directly on the targeted area.

For those looking to reduce eye fatigue and irritation, placing aquamarines on the eyelids for twenty to thirty minutes each night before bed can be helpful. To alleviate nervous spasms and heart palpitations, position an aquamarine gemstone just below the middle of your breastbone, on the solar plexus.

Empowering Spiritual Healing

Aquamarine’s ability to impart strength and empowerment extends to its spiritual healing properties. It encourages individuals to connect with their inner selves and access new sources of power. It fosters compassionate self-communication, transparency, and honest reflection, facilitating a journey of self-improvement.

Women often discover newfound strength and courage to express their true feelings and ideas, while men find it easier to break through emotional barriers and engage in open, honest communication. Aquamarine breaks down the walls that hinder effective communication, making spiritual healing more attainable.

The reflective qualities of aquamarine reveal hidden truths, promoting self-awareness and empowerment. It enhances communication with oneself and with the Divine, making messages and expressions clearer and more potent. Many consider aquamarine a gateway crystal to spiritual access, aiding in the development of a closer connection with one’s spirituality and inner self. For religious purposes, aquamarine can be used in various forms such as malas, worry beads, prayer beads, pendants, earrings, necklaces, or worry stones to initiate communication with the Divine.

Furthermore, dreaming of aquamarine is often interpreted as a sign of a new friendship on the horizon. Aquamarine stones can strengthen the connection one has with their guardian angels, with specific birth dates associated with strengthening these relationships. In Feng Shui, aquamarine channels water energy, symbolizing regeneration, rebirth, and qualities such as stillness, quiet strength, and purification.

Place aquamarine near the northern end of your bedroom or any space designated for prayer, repose, and calm reflection, and experience the array of benefits aligning with aquamarine’s profound meaning.

What Is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine, a popular blue gemstone, exhibits a greenish-blue hue and belongs to the hexagonal crystal system. This gemstone is a variety of the beryl mineral and can range in color from very pale to vibrant. The essence of Aquamarine is deeply intertwined with emotional clarity.

The Meaning of the Mermaid Stone

Known as the “mermaid stone,” aquamarine resonates with the depths of the sea, invoking images of cleansing swims and salt-water fables. It is as though the ocean has been transformed into stone, yet it retains its sparkling sea hues, its immediate calming influence, and its precious healing properties. Aquamarine’s significance transcends its appearance, entwined with the elemental force of water and the rich tapestry of its meaning.

Legend has it that sea merchants carried aquamarine in their pockets to protect themselves from the fear of drowning. In Greek mythology, it was believed to ensure safe passage across stormy seas. Egyptians revered the gem’s blue shades and considered it a symbol of happiness. Aquamarine was even thought to counteract poison, carry the enchantment of mermaids, serve as an oracle, and act as a talisman that could bring life-giving rain to parched lands.

Ancient Greek mythology tells a tale of aquamarine washing ashore from the toppled treasure chests of sirens, the alluring creatures from Homer’s “Odyssey.” The gem was sacred to Neptune, carrying the call of the ocean. Above all, aquamarine was seen as a beautiful healer, bestowing immense relief to the body, mind, and soul.

Aquamarine, as a member of the beryl family, distinguishes itself as the blue variant of this mineral. It is found in various locations worldwide, including Pakistan, Kenya, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Russia, and Brazil, with the most precious aquamarine gems hailing from Brazil. To explore the profound meaning of aquamarine, let’s embark on a journey through the gemstone of mermaids.  Know more about spirituality on soulful angels.

Aquamarine Healing Properties

Aquamarine crystals exude soothing and healing vibrations that cleanse the body and mind. With the human body predominantly composed of water, it comes as no surprise that this ocean-hued stone is naturally attuned to our existence. Aquamarine, akin to the elixir of life, washes away residual toxicity, leaving us feeling refreshed and ready to embrace life’s currents.

Physical Healing Properties

As an exceptional stone for physical healing, aquamarine has been utilized for centuries to restore well-being to every corner of the body. It holds a special affinity with the throat chakra, making it highly effective in soothing sore throats, reducing swollen glands, and addressing thyroid issues. The gemstone boosts the immune system, reminding the body not to overreact to allergies like hay fever.

Aquamarine’s harmonizing influence on hormones provides balance, while promoting clear vision and revitalizing tired eyes. Just as sailors rely on sharp eyesight to anticipate storms on the horizon, aquamarine contributes to strong eyesight, infusing life and clarity into fatigued eyes.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

Aquamarine excels in maintaining mental and emotional well-being, offering an immediate sense of calm with its blue-green hues. This calming effect is reminiscent of the meeting point between the sky and the sea, inviting introspection and the discovery of personal truths. The gem’s gentle balancing of emotions prevents them from becoming overwhelming, encouraging a soft and balanced demeanor.

For individuals who struggle with judgmental tendencies, aquamarine fosters understanding and empathy. It encourages the setting aside of rigid judgments without compromising one’s integrity, creating an environment of tolerance and self-acceptance.

In cases where the mind races uncontrollably, aquamarine guides individuals back to the present moment. It is a powerful aid in reducing anxiety and promoting meditative states. This gemstone supports those with sensitive natures, unravels confusion to reveal truths, and helps those seeking closure in their lives.

Aquamarine is often referred to as the “Stone of Courage,” reflecting the inner strength and resilience it instills. It empowers individuals to overcome the fear of communication, whether in public speaking or expressing needs within personal relationships. With aquamarine, overwhelm is washed away, allowing clear and confident communication to take its place.

Metaphysical Properties

Aquamarine delves into the spiritual realm, offering not only physical and emotional benefits but also a touch of spirituality. It is believed to possess clairvoyant properties, making it ideal for those who seek glimpses into their future and a deeper connection with the universe. The gemstone is associated with the Hanging Man card in the tarot, signifying the importance of taking time for introspection and staying in touch with one’s core self.

Aquamarine sharpens intuition, leading to wisdom, heightened awareness of one’s surroundings, and a tranquil state of prophecy and peace. It serves as a bridge to spiritual access, fostering a closer connection with one’s spirituality and inner self. For religious purposes, aquamarine can be incorporated into practices such as meditation and prayer.

Zodiac Birthstone

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March, making it the perfect gem for Pisces, the star sign associated with water. Pisceans are known for their creativity, generosity, and emotional depth. Aquamarine’s influence helps them manage their emotions, preventing them from spiraling out of control and offering support in amplifying their voice.

While not a traditional birthstone for other signs, aquamarine can benefit Geminis, Aries, and Scorpios as well. Its soothing, go-with-the-flow nature complements the joyful and adaptable disposition of Geminis. For Aries and Scorpios, the healing energy of this light blue stone can bring balance and serenity.

Properties of Aquamarine

  • Colors: Light green and blue
  • Chakra: Throat
  • Number: Vibrates to 1
  • Planet: Moon
  • Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Pisces
  • Bagua areas: Zhen (Family & New Beginnings), Xun (Wealth & Abundance)
  • Elements: Wood
  • Origin: United States, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, India, Ireland, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan

Meaning and Uses

Aquamarine is a versatile gemstone, offering a range of healing and spiritual properties. It serves as a protective shield for one’s energy field and aids in creating mental clarity while soothing an overactive mind. The stone’s energy fosters compassion, reducing judgment, and promoting a loving and kind nature.

With its alignment with the throat chakra, aquamarine helps improve communication, making it an excellent choice for those seeking clarity in their interactions. Its soothing, yin energy aligns with the moon, enabling individuals to find balance and connect with their higher self during meditation.

Uses in Feng Shui

Aquamarine can be incorporated into Feng Shui practices to enhance various aspects of life. Placing aquamarine in specific areas of the Feng Shui bagua map can amplify its positive energy.

Activate Xun, the Wealth Corner

The Xun area of the Feng Shui bagua map, also known as the wealth corner, is associated with financial abundance and self-worth. By placing aquamarine in this area, one can focus on caring for themselves with love and compassion, releasing self-judgment and old patterns. This creates space for new, supportive beliefs and actions.

Activate Kun, the Love Corner

Kun, the love corner of the bagua map, is linked to marriage and partnerships. Placing aquamarine in this area can help attract a loving partner and promote softness and compassion within relationships. It’s also an opportunity to enhance communication with oneself.

Wood Energy

Aquamarine embodies the energy of wood, representing new beginnings, growth, and healing. Placing aquamarine in your home can jump-start a new chapter filled with expansion and joy.

Meditation Area

Aquamarine’s spiritual properties make it an excellent addition to a meditation space. Meditating with aquamarine can open the door to higher states of consciousness, cultivate courage, and inner strength.

Cleansing and Charging Crystals

To maintain the effectiveness of aquamarine and other crystals, regular cleansing and charging are essential. Several methods can be used to cleanse and charge aquamarine:

  • Smudging with cleansing herbs like palo santo.
  • Visualizing bright white light enveloping the aquamarine to clear negative energy.
  • Soaking the crystal in saltwater for an extended period, which is particularly suitable for aquamarine due to its connection to the ocean.
  • Charging the crystal by placing it where it can absorb moonlight, such as a windowsill, especially during a new or full moon.

Aquamarine Crystal Price

Aquamarine falls into the category of semi-precious gemstones, alongside diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. While it is typically less expensive than the four precious gemstones, the price of aquamarine can vary significantly. Rare deep blue aquamarine can command a higher price than some lower-quality diamonds of similar size.

For cut, polished aquamarine gemstones suitable for jewelry, the average price is around $675 per carat. Small, rough or polished aquamarine crystals suitable for Feng Shui purposes can be found for under $100. Larger, high-quality rough aquamarine minerals with notable blue color may cost several hundred dollars.


Aquamarine, the gemstone of mermaids and the ocean’s calming depths, offers a profound range of healing and spiritual properties. From its physical healing capabilities, soothing emotional influence, and metaphysical resonance to its use in Feng Shui and meditation, aquamarine is a versatile and powerful gemstone.

Worn as jewelry or incorporated into your living space, aquamarine can enhance your life by promoting mental clarity, compassion, and communication. Its spiritual energy connects you to higher consciousness, leading to wisdom and inner peace. Whether you’re drawn to aquamarine for its beauty or its spiritual significance, this gemstone is a valuable addition to your life.

Discover the unique and timeless allure of aquamarine and embrace its power to transform and enrich your journey. Allow this beautiful gemstone to guide you, like the mermaids of old, towards a deeper connection with the sea and your inner self, enabling you to navigate life’s currents with strength and grace.

Remember, just as sailors carried aquamarine for protection at sea, you too can let this enchanting gemstone safeguard your spiritual and emotional journey. If aquamarine resonates with you, consider incorporating it into your life, whether through jewelry or Feng Shui practices. Like the ever-flowing tides of the ocean, let the healing energy of aquamarine wash over you, bringing clarity, compassion, and a deeper connection with your higher self.

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